Monday, September 28, 2009

From Random Penguin Publishing

Dear Mr. Jarvis,

Don’t let those end-of-summer blues get you down. Random Penguin Publishing house is having our annual “End of Summer” blowout sale. Check out some of our most popular selections.

Yes Woman

Inspired by the book “Yes Man”, a woman decides to say, “yes” to anything she is asked to do. Various chapters include farm animals, a Turkish bathhouse, and the author, another girl, and a cup. The book ends abruptly when she visits a dorm for Sumo wrestlers.

Hard-Core Gaming for Dummies

Wow! You must be a F#%king Dummy. Why else would you buy this book?

Up, up, down, down, A, B, A, B, masturbate, dummy. Welcome to the world of hardcore gaming! Pop tarts, Klingon Warrior T-shirts, and chaffed foreskin - yes, learn how to eat, dress, and feel just like a hard core gamer. No man boobs required. Comes with a free 8 oz. jar of vaseline.

How to Look Gay Even Though You’re Not

You don’t have to be gay to be tough, you just have to look that way. All the bad-ass without the sore ass. Learn secrets from the experts like putting on chap-stick while staring at another man, using the middle urinal so the next person has to stand next to you, and having esoteric philosophical debates with the dudes while standing naked in the locker room. Comes with secret website password for

Stuff White People Like to Write About Other White People

Let’s face it, white people are so crazy. One thing white people like is to write books making fun of other white people. And then white people love to buy it and say, “That’s so true, I really do love sushi!”

Hitler had Diarrhea

From the best-selling author of “Tom Cruise has Itchy Balls: Demystifying Celebrity Mystique”, comes this new fact-filled tome sure to surprise even the most informed experts.

Did you know:

Dracula was a vegetarian. That’s right, he only drank hippy blood.

Frankenstein won’t tell you what part his master forgot to put on.

Attila the Hun was a good father.

Godzilla only gets angry when people mispronounce his name.

Martha Stewart can’t eat children’s limbs without ketchup.

Tuesdays with Morrie’s Wife

From the best-selling author of three books almost exactly like this one. Morrie’s gone. But Mrs. Morrie’s still around and she could use a friend. A gooood friend. Now it’s play time. Oh yeah, don’t worry, Morrie, I’ll watch over her.

Rich Dad Porn Dad

So you were wondering how daddy got all his money, huh? Johnny’s parents are out and it turns out his dad has an interesting video collection. “The Hammer 5”, sure I’ll watch...hey that pizza delivery guy looks a lot like, wait a minute, that’s my...Rich Dad Porn Dad

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