Monday, August 31, 2009

RSS Feed

Dear Mr. Jarvis,

Here is your weekly Global News update.

- There are hints of oligopoly as the 3 major beer companies are raising their prices at the same time. Budweiser said it would’ve done it alone but it knew that fat friend, big Government, would get in the way, so it called in wing-men Coors and Miller while it tried to screw the hot consumer.

- Energy officials are worried that natural gas tanks are reaching their storage capacity. Almost all tanks are at maximum. Even after spewing out natural gas all day, our reserve tank, Rush Limbaugh, is reported to be at capacity.

- CEO of Whole Foods, John Mackey, is in hot water. He wrote an article harshly criticizing Obama’s health care plan. He said Americans can’t afford to pay for everyone’s health insurance especially when they have to buy Whole Food’s 8 dollar rice crispy treats.

- The widow of a man buried face down above Marilyn Monroe is moving him sideways, over the grave that’ll eventually hold Hugh Heffner, to sell his spot to pay for her mortgage. Marilyn can roll over in her grave any way she wants, doesn’t matter, she’s getting screwed.

- A mother of two is going to be caned for drinking a beer which is illegal for Malaysian Muslims to do. She said if she had known she was going to take a hit for it, she would have ordered something better than a bud light.

- Computer scientists say one in five people looking on-line for Jessica Biel pictures will get a virus, thus making her the digital equivalent of Lindsay Lohan.

Uncle Sam is Stimulating Everyone

Dear Mr. Jarvis,

Here is your monthly newsletter from the US Office of Accountability.

What 3,900 prisoners who were accidentally sent stimulus checks are buying:

  • 3900 copies of The Shawshank Redemption
  • 500 harmonicas and 3400 sets of earplugs
  • 3500 soap on a ropes and 400 posters of Lance Bass
  • Snuggies and fuzzy handcuffs
  • A copy of “How to Win Friends and Influence People with a Homemade Shiv”
  • A Karaoke machine playing only Johnny Cash songs
  • Combination Locked Underwear

Monday, August 24, 2009

RSS Feed

Dear Mr. Jarvis,

Here is your weekly Global News update.

-A judge ruled that Paris Hilton doesn’t have to pay back $8 million to a studio after her movie flopped. It wasn’t that she wasn’t guilty, said the judge, “but in order to make a fair decision, I’d have to go back and watch the entire movie, and I’m just not willing to do that.

-Colleges have been advised to isolate students with swine flu. Most schools have found that, through natural selection, students in the math and science departments have already been isolated.

-A woman pregnant with a record breaking twelve babies was exposed as a fraud. This was good news for the Octomom who was able to free up some time in her schedule by canceling her date with those thirteen guys. And right now there is a relieved guy asking god, “Do I really have to go to church for the next twelve years?

-Former Speaker of the House, Tom Delay, who was ousted from congress for a lobbying scandal, will be on Dancing with the Stars. In congress his nickname was The Hammer. After dancing the Lambada with him his partner changed his nickname to the toothpick.

-A man legally carried an assault rifle to an Obama protest. When asked about the legality of the gun the man said the constitution was there to ban things that hurt people like underage drinking, public nudity, and noisy ice-cream trucks, not assault rifles.

-Joe Jonas of the teen band The Jonas Brothers will temporarily fill Paula Abdul’s spot on American Idol. Simon Cowl said they’d have to be weeding out a lot of bad music and besides Paula Abdul, who knows bad music better than a Jonas Brother?

-Heeding the calls for more flexibility the SAT now gives students the option of choosing which scores they send to college. The makers of the test said it now better reflected the realities of college because these kids are going to be doing some heavy drinking, late night partying, and won’t always want be proud to show off a score.

Caption Contest

Dear Cory,

Here are some recent entries from our caption contest.

Your loss, baby! It’s like they say, “You could learn a lot from a Dummy!”

Oh my God, Seth! I wouldn’t crash a 2009 BMW S series wearing that dress.

Bumper sticker: My other car is a black dragon.

“I challenge thee to a joust! Squire, prepare the royal Oxygen tank!”

HA! Did you hear that accent?! Hasta la vista, baby! Who says that?

Guys, please! I’ll never drive my fist through another...after T3, so much pressure for a to me...

Look into the orb and see the future of your careers!

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s acting lessons!

Yes, you must eat this entire hamburger.

Redwoods gone wild.

Son, sex with a women feels just like a hot steamy gas tank.

All she needs Marty, is 1.21 jigawatts of pure Bud light.

Michael Knight and Kitt, “The Later Years.”

Sunday, August 16, 2009

RSS Feed

Dear Mr. Jarvis,

Here is your weekly Global News update.

-A new study shows that Disabled students are spanked more often then normal ones. A spokesperson from the Teachers Union said it wasn’t the intention of teachers to spank the disabled kids more, it’s just that they’re easier to catch and tend to complain less.

- Sony Pictures is making a new Michael Jackson movie. Titles that almost made the cut:

Lord of the Rings 4: Rise of the Elf King
Enter the DragQueen
Michael and the Children: The Way You Make Me Feel
You are not Alone: The Story of MJ’s doctor and Bubba from Cell Block D
Bloodsuckers: The Parents who sent their kids to Neverland Ranch
Transformers 3: Optimus Nose

-The Government has encouraged farmers to protect their pigs from swine flu. The Farmers have agreed for the next month not to kiss them on the lips.

- Changes being made at the Eagles stadium now that Michael Vick is signed:

DJ’s banned from playing “Who Let the Dogs Out.”
Players must distract Vick every time Metlife Snoopy commercial airs.
Fans must scream “defeat” instead of “kill,” “beat,” or “slaughter” the Bears, Lions, or Dolphins.
Clowns must remove blow up poodles from repertoire.
Any player being kept awake by neighbors yipping chiwawa is allowed to have Vick sleep over.
No more team “Bring your pet to batting practice” day.

-Miley Cyrus performed her latest single with background redneck dancers while singing in front of a stripper pole. Her fans are relieved she hasn’t strayed from her roots and - this Hannah Montana thing won’t last forever- Dad's happy she can slide right into that second career.

- Health Care town hall meeting have turned into shouting matches as Republican groups claim Democrats are trying to kill their grandmothers. The Democrats said, “We are not trying to kill your grandmothers! We just want them to die a little faster.”

New York City’s District 26 Candidates

Dear Citizen,

It’s that time of year again. City Council campaigns are in full swing with candidates gearing up for the elections. To help you make a better, well informed choice and have a little fun, we have devised a simple form that requires you to match the correct candidate’s picture (there are some impostors) with his/her info.

A)B)C) D)E)F)
G)H) I)J)

Dear Citizen,
It’s that time of year again. City Council campaigns are in full swing with candidates gearing up for the elections. To help you make a better, well informed choice and have a little fun, we have devised a simple form that requires you to match the correct candidate’s picture (there are some impostors) with his/her info.

Conservative Democrat (A Republican with a gay brother): Born and raised in Woodside, where he still resides under the train tracks, this candidate feeds pigeons and whistles at women with large derrieres. According to the candidate, he is a foreign language service provider (Jawa, Wookie, and droid), with locations on Endor, Vulcan, and formerly on Alderon. He is a member of the community council to ban use of Crocs.

Democratish: A lifelong Subterranean Queens resident, this candidate currently lives under Sunnyside with the mole people and is the Chief External Affairs Officer of the Queens Public Library which means he checks books out and reads them outside. He is an activist for gay & lesbian rights, believes that gay horses really do eat heeeeeyyyyyy!, and has photographic evidence of aliens ordering takeout from the China One Taco House. He also is a member of Community Board 2, 3, 72, 69 (Yeeeeah!), 56, 872, 1 1/2 & their Allow Urinating in Public Committee.

Republican: Born in Jackson Heights, and then later, to get away from the curry smell, settling in Long Island City, this candidate is a business lawyer who worked in NY law firm White & Whiter’s Tokyo office, where he was elected Chair of Democrats Abroad, Japan Chapter (The Flying Geishas), which helps Americans overseas to vote for people they’ve never heard of. He is currently a legal council for the Club a Baby Seal Foundation and a former official of the Democratic National Ban children's Lemon-aid Stands committee.

Rock Hard Liberal: Born and lives outside of 26, this candidate admits he’s not very fond of district 26 but needs a job so he can move out of his Mom’s house. He has unlocked every achievement on Xbox 360’s Rainbow 6: Las Vegas, so he knows how to get things done. He is currently the head of the governing council for the Committee for Refuse and Waste Removal from his Mother’s kitchen.

Airport Bathroom Republican: Can’t believe she’s still living in stinking Queens, this candidate is doing anything and everything (Yes, even that, you sicko.) to make enough money to make it into Manhattan. She is an investigative lawyer and hopefully does not read Mad magazine. She is also Deputy Director of the Administrative Services Assistant to Procuring Locally Advertising in State Official Sounding Board of Directors Instructions on How to Open This Consortium for Ideas Eating a Banana Sandwich Orthotics Department Zombie Smasher Frankly Speaking Division of the NYC Council & avid jogger.

Republicrat: Born on the 7 train, this candidate is friends with a lawyer. He is a supervisor at Starbucks, can tell the difference between Tall, Venti, and Grande, and is a proponent of slavery. He is a member of the ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, HBO, and WOW committees.

*For the answer key, send a request with a photograph of your girlfriend naked to

Sunday, August 9, 2009

RSS Feed

Dear Mr. Jarvis,
Here is your weekly Global News update.

-Paula Abdul retired from American Idol via Twitter. Here is the actual feed from her page:

Can you mix Valium and Prozac?...will let you know.

1:42 PM Aug 4th from Tweetie

Must find one ring to unite them all. With sadness in my heart, I've decided not to return to #IDOL

4:23 PM Aug 4th from lalaland in response to simon_manboobs

All the pretty colors make me smiley

11:18 PM Aug 4th from tweetledumb

-The American Psychiatric Society dismissed gay-to-straight therapy. They did say however that with a little Britney Spears in the background, a few martini sips, and a 24 hour marathon viewing session of Sex and the City and the straight-to-gay therapy was almost guaranteed.

-Jessica Simpson said she wouldn’t take back the house she gave her ex-boyfriend because she was not an Indian Giver. Although American Indians were angered she didn’t apologize because she said she too was American Indian. The Indians called her and said, “The ethnicity we gave you, we’re taking it back.”

-Burger King Franchisees are complaining that racy ads featuring language like goodyballs, b-hole, and girls with square derrieres dancing to Baby got Back might make customers not order thirds.

-Former President Clinton took a trip to Asia. He stopped in North Korea and helped free two American Journalists. When asked how he felt, he said although he was happy it wasn’t quite what he expected when he asked for a happy ending.

Top Secret Alien Documentary Transcripts from Area 51

The milky way, overlooked by most space-faring species as a lifeless, barren formation of planets orbiting a single star. There are no spaceports, bars, and here you definitely won’t find any three-breasted Valuvian women juggling space balls. It is however, home to Humans. Join us as we take a closer look at this fascinating species.

To the casual observer, the Human bar scene is a rare opportunity for these creatures to get in fights, puke on each other, and sleep with total strangers. However, it plays an important role in their development. For the less socially developed, it is the only place in which to find a mate. It allows the less-attractive members of the species access to individuals normally unavailable to them. Most importantly, the bar is home to a most curious subspecies of Humans: The barfly.

The Human barfly is mostly nocturnal, coming out during the day only to perform menial tasks that will support its nightly activities. In this environment, males are often seen in disproportionate numbers, and tend to remain stationary in a single bar. The females band together in tight-knit groups for defense, and are much more mobile than their male counterparts, giving them a greater range of mates to choose from.

Unlike males, the early years of the female barfly are by far her most productive. She has one goal in mind: to be desired. It is a role which evolution, instinct, and years of delusions of finding the perfect man have prepared her well for.

In the early years of the female barfly, her “hottie” stage, she will rule her world. Vying for her company will be all types of male barflies: Geeks, Douchebags, Metro-sexuals, and aging bald males with superior transportation. They will ply her with the sweet vodka cranberry nectar she desires. She will take the nectar but will refuse the advances, knowing this only strengthens their desire of her. Over several years, the successful female barfly will watch as weaker rivals are picked up and snatched from the scene. She will develop a following of lesser barflies, referred to as her “girls” or “bitches,” hoping to feed off the scraps of her success. Eventually, she will become queen of the barflies.

The queen’s life cycle is a short one. She will overindulge in the bounty of free drinks, and bask in her glory, while, unbeknownst to her, the advance of age and deterioration of her liver take their toll. Her previous subcutaneous layers of fat will start becoming visible, giving her a somewhat comic, awkward appearance as she refuses to accept that her midriff is now best left unexposed. The sudden lack of attention from males will shock her into taking a continuing series of drastic steps - dancing on bars, making out with strangers on the dance floor, and drinking twice what she used to - eventually leading to her dethronement.

The male, whose ultimate goal is sweaty intercourse, will struggle for years to find his footing in the bar scene. He spends his early years in dark corners, congregating in great numbers with other males his age. They often make spectacles of themselves trying to out-yell, out-drink, and out-dance each other for the females’ attention. However, evolutionary instincts in female warn the majority of them to avoid males displaying this type of behavior.

Time however, is on the male’s side. As he matures, he evolves, and through trial and error learns what the female wants. The most successful of the species will learn what the female most needs and will then, in a brilliant display of tactical genius, refuse to give it to her, thus driving her mad with desire for him.

Although male barflies most desire the younger of the species, in a curious almost perfect design, it is the former bar queens, on their precipitous decline in the hierarchy, who are most willing to accept these young unskilled males’ advances. In a twisted symbiotic relationship, the male will give the female a fleeting moment of glory she felt only in her younger years, and she will in turn provide him with the skills, knowledge, and most importantly, the confidence he lacks to go after the younger females.

Eventually, life informs the barfly when it’s time to exit the scene. Be it through marriage, liver transplant, balding - there is no one single way. For those who choose to stay, they do so as observers. They step back, take their seat at the bar, and watch the dance cycle repeat itself.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

RSS Feed

Dear Mr. Jarvis,

Here is your weekly Global News update.

New York City is buying plane tickets for homeless people to send them out of the city. These are the only flights allowed to fly with the doors open.

Actress Megan Fox, beautiful girl, has pictures and videos all over the internet...I guess a lot of guys are getting tired of seeing her. Some popular male blog sites have come together and declared Aug. 4th a “No Megan Fox” day. The need a break. They say they need time to let the chaffed skin heel, and the computer screens dry off.

Sarah Palin in her resignation speech, told the press in honor of the American soldier, they should quit making things up. Just then a reporter pointed to her left, shouted “Moose!” and she turned and shot a cameraman. 

Some iPhone apps help users avoid police speed traps, count cards at the black jack table, and find medicinal marijuana sellers reports Fox news. A new app currently in the works will help readers find real news on Fox.